EW Elohims Agenda 10 11 18 The full council of God will come when pride and religion are destroyed. The proclamation came after the 2 dreams. The dreams were essentially the same dream with distinct individual characteristics. In each dream there were two soldiers, both dressed in uniforms that came from the era between our […]
Apocalypse – part II
Apocalypse part II In part one of the Apocalypse, I presented the perspective of a historical record of the events that would precede the apocalypse – the revelation of Jesus Christ. These events have been recorded in parts for many thousands of years, but we have a complete compilation of them in one physical book […]
Apocalypse apocalypse noun apoc·a·lypse \ə-ˈpä-kə-ˌlips\ Popularity: Top 20% of words Definition of apocalypse 1a : one of the Jewish and Christian writings of 200 b.c. to a.d. 150 marked by pseudonymity, symbolic imagery, and the expectation of an imminent cosmic cataclysm in which God destroys the ruling powers of evil and raises the righteous to […]